Monday, January 8, 2024

Meme Monday: Tank Memes

Zargala, my questing buddy's Warlock, has a simple guiding philosophy. I rather succinctly summed it up the other day with the quip "Why use a flyswatter when you can use a nuclear weapon?"

Every time I see a post in Trade Chat or Looking For Group Chat saying that "want DPS pumpers"*, I think of her. Her Classic Era version of Zargala is just about at L60 right now, but even in her mid-50s she was putting out enough DPS to give my L60 version of Cardwyn with a lot of the best pre-raid gear for a Mage a run for her money. 

And given her background as a Druid tank, she knows just how much she can push as a Warlock before she drives group-mates nuts.

Having watched her operate, I've wondered whether I'd enjoy tanking myself. Or rather, whether learning the ins and outs of tanking would help my own DPS. 

Then I realize that I get stressed out by healing and I think "Nope. Nope nope nope nope nope....."

So, in honor of MMO tanking, here's today's Meme Monday...

The next time I see a Druid tank...
From Pinterest.

This is why I behave myself when I'm a DPS,
especially a Rogue. Kudos to the creator for
pulling out the NPC character Pained from
the WoW Classic version of Theramore.
From imgflip.

This could be a healer meme, could
be a tank meme. So, killing two birds
with one stone. From Reddit.

Back in the 1990s, NBA player Charles Barkley
used to say that he wasn't a role model, he was
just a basketball player. So when I saw this,
I immediately thought of ol' Chuck. From Imgflip.

*That's 'pumpers', NOT 'plumpers'. The first time I misread it and said out loud "why the fuck are they specifically asking for overweight people?" Thankfully, none of the mini-Reds were in the vicinity to laugh at me for that one. For the record: 'pumpers' refers to people who are great at putting out high amounts of DPS. Sometimes they're just great at doing damage alone (my Questing Buddy), and sometimes when you get enough of the same class in a group they do better together (Fire Mages).

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