Never Winter Nights - Not a true MMO, but playing on server vault characters was similar
- Halfling Cleric
- Halfling Rogue
- Dark Elf Assassin
- Gold Dragon (seriously, how can you pass up actually playing as a dragon)
- Undead Rogue
- Orc Death Knight (Tank)
- and others, none of which I'll mention
- Black Orc (Tank)
- Conqueror (Tank)
As you can see from the list above, I tend to play melee or a tank. I don't do spell casters, as I don't like having squishy armor or having to run from fights. I quite enjoy the challenges of tanking, and constatly strive to keep myself the best tank I can be.
My favorite character is Souldat, the
I've just recenly faction changed to the Alliance, and I'm enjoying the game from a new view on things.
In my personaly lfe, I'm going on 30 this year, married to a lovely woman (who also plays wow), and I'm a supervisor for a technology company in the Cleveland area.