Monday, January 15, 2024

Meme Monday: Miscellaneous Memes, Part... eh, whatever

Time for a bunch of miscellaneous memes once more!

That's... A scary thought. From Pinterest.

Although the ones that get pissed
off the most are the Rogues. Just sayin'.
From Reddit.

This actually happened in our last
AD&D game, although it was a percentile
roll and our Illusionist/Thief rolled a 100.
From Pinterest (again).

Somewhere, Richard Pryor is
. From Pinterest (once more).


  1. I didn't "get" that last one until after the Blizzard sexual harassment scandal broke and a bunch of NPCs with sleazy names, including this one, were re-named and Wowhead did an article about it. I thought it must just be some kind of pop culture reference that I was clueless about -- I completely missed the sleazy pun.

    1. It was definitely middle school humor. Having seen The Toy (the movie that the Richard Pryor clip was from) I kind of snorted, but middle school me would have thought it incredibly funny. I think that these names were a symptom of the greater problem, and we never realized it until the scandal broke. You can be childish without resorting to this or other stuff in-game, but Blizz' management never understood the difference. And that was a huge red flag: the people at the top ought to have the maturity to say "Okay, yeah, ha ha, but come on. We need to lead, not snicker and act like 12 year old boys all the time."
