Sunday, January 14, 2024

A Collection of Guild Names, Season of Discovery Edition Part 2

The variety of guild names that I've found on WoW Classic Season of Discovery servers is quite impressive. I wasn't joking when I mentioned in a comment somewhere that I had enough for another post on guild names, and that was a few days ago.

Hey, look who I found (and targeted for visibility) hanging
around the Stormwind mailbox! Harpy Riot! Don't know
whose toon this is, but it's someone in Wilhelm's guild.

Anyway, here's a bunch more guilds that I found in Season of Discovery (and Classic Era)...

Figured I'd start here, since it was just in the
above screencap.

Yeah, that's me. I have to be picky about
my burritos these days, however.

Honestly, I'm not sure what to make of
this particular guild name.

Kinda-sorta yeah, I guess....

Hmm... If you say so...

Okay... Was this a take on "I didn't inhale"?

At first I thought this was a reference
to the old NBC show Wings, but that's 
not the case. 

I ran Deadmines with Mythenis here, so
I ought to have asked about the guild name
when I had a chance.

There are days when I deny it too!

I like banana bread as much as the next
person, but you know, it doesn't really
work all that much.

This sounds like a riff on the glasses
from that old 1980s movie They Live!, 
but I'm not sure.

This is a pretty popular guild, given all the
toons running around, and there's even a
guild for alts called "Great Alts of Nazarick".

Shouldn't this have been an all elf guild?

If you've got emotional damage, do you need
someone to come to your Emotional Rescue?

Oh, I bet you're sweet...

"Get out or I'll call the Goon Squad!"
"I'm on the Goon Squad."
"You're on the Goon Squad, you ARE the Good Squad!"

Oh, this could go in quite a few ways...

Why do I get the feeling that they like
cooking in that guild?

I really like this one. It's as clear as mud.

Or as a riff on the very first Scooby Doo
episode, What a Night for a Knight!

This is my oldest's favorite guild name.
In WoW, that is. She prefers "Gloin's Loins"
from LOTRO overall, however.

At first I thought this was AKS
--as in American Kennel Society-- but I
kind of prefer this as-is.

Finally, a guild I'm actually in. This is
my Questing Buddy on her Mage alt in the
all-gnome guild that a mutual friend put together.

Good thing that, because have you seen
some of the LFG stuff lately?

Only somewhat? You need to try more!

Was kind of disappointed that this was attached
to a Dwarf, because I figured a Druid in 
bear form would be perfect here.

Damn. Now I want a cinnamon roll from

Ow, that hurts.

This is probably my favorite name on the list.

Zug zug!!!


  1. That is one of Potshot's characters idling in Stormwind.

    Also, if you're going to take the name "Whitemane" then you had better get the hat at some point.

    1. Aha, I wondered, so thanks!

      No kidding about that hat. At least they've got a bit more time before SM opens up (safely).

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. ShintarJanuary 14, 2024 at 8:25:00 PM EST

    Lol, "Ready and Willing" clearly impressed you, considering you featured them twice in this post and they were in the previous one as well.

    1. Aw, damn. I saw too late that I had them in twice, but I missed them in the first list. I did catch several others and then passed on some that were kind of meh; I should have stuck one of those in instead. Maybe it was the Whitemane that caught my attention, because given all of the "artwork" out there about Sally Whitemane, the guild name of "Ready and Willing" was too much.

  4. I think this is probably the source of "The goggles do nothing"?

    1. Aha! That makes sense. I was also considering that it was a comment on Google Glass, but this fits much better.
