Monday, October 9, 2023

Meme Monday: Miscellaneous Memes (Once Again)

Yeah, I know, it's a cop out, but I really don't have a theme for today. So, I'll post a bunch of memes that I've kind of stored up for a rainy day.

And no, it's not raining here in our little corner of the Midwest, but hey, I'm sticking with it.

I really like this one. Sometimes, the
DM has gotta do what they've gotta do.
From Pinterest.

Something like this happened last night,
when I had a dream that I was supposed to
provide a Top Ten list for various marching
bands and I had to put everything together during
the presentation itself. Needless to say, it
did not go well. From Happier.

This has been my eternal struggle. I liken
it to writing too many words that you then
have to cull later. 
From funny memes.

I've been there. They effing HURT.
From shaneplays.


  1. That first one has me LOLing so much. Oh, Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah!

    1. I had no idea where that came from, but I saw that and thought "oh hey, a rare beardless Jesus that's not in Orthodox style artwork..."

    2. It's a story from the Book of Mormon. Here's the original artwork, from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints collection:

    3. The meme is funny enough if you don't recognize the picture, but it's doubly funny if you do recognize the picture and know the story!
