Monday, August 19, 2024

Meme Monday: Geeky Midwestern RPG Memes

Since my oldest is now going to be a Wisconsinite*, I figured that this Meme Monday ought to deal with some of the quirks --gaming and otherwise-- from my fellow Midwesterners.

Yes, we passed Lake Geneva on the way to Milwaukee.
Lake Geneva is the home of Gary Gygax, the co-creator
of D&D, and the original home of both TSR (the publisher of
D&D) and Gen Con. 

That's a 'Draw Four' I could get behind.
From The Chive.

Yes, it's funny, but it is also not a joke.
I've seen it done.
From Cheezburger.

Yeah, tornadoes and other severe weather
events (minus hurricanes) are pretty much a staple here.
From Cheezburger.

*See yesterday's post for the details.


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