Saturday, August 24, 2024

Grooving to Those Elven Beats

Thursday night I was visiting my local game store, perusing the shelves,

The silver dragon has a few friends now!

when the Lofi music played over the speakers by the dragon began playing a familiar tune. "Hey, that sounds like Silvermoon City!" I thought. As I'd played Blood Elves the 3-4 years of my WoW career, I became quite familiar with that seven note theme.

Here's the original...

The music quickly moved on to something else, but when I got home afterward I hopped online to see if I could find the Lofi version that I just heard.

I think this is it.

My first thought was that Blizz had released more lofi beats in advance of their next Retail expansion, TWW*, but it was released by a third party instead. Lofi isn't the most difficult music style to emulate, but it does take skill (technical or whatever) to transcribe the score into something else. Yes yes, I know that generative AI and other software programs can assist in this, but it does also take critical listening to get the sound "just right", in the same way that writing fiction using generative AI doesn't really have a good voice (yet).

Anyhoo, I'm typically in my happy place when I'm perusing a game store, so hearing the strains of Silvermoon City just kind of made my evening.


Oh, and while I was there to peruse RPG materials, such as this:

I could not find this at Gen Con, as
the Kobold Press area looked like it was
completely wiped out by the end of Sunday.

I did discover that a game discontinued back in 2010 was making a comeback:

You can get the unpainted ones too if you want
to paint the minis yourself.
From Boardgamegeek.

Yes, Heroscape is hitting the stores after a 14 year hiatus. Well, I am surprised.

*The World Wound? No, that's a Pathfinder thing. The World Within? Sounds like a description of The Underdark from D&D. The War Within? Yeah, that's it, but everybody types TWW as if they were repeating corporate jargon: "Okay, we need to complete the prework for the CAB and then once that's done we need to focus on the RDT and weekly SDT, then on Monday we handle the DR issues in the DSR." (And yes, those are all real corporate acronyms.)



  1. We have some TLAs ;) at work, but most of our references are numeric. So many forms to process, plus all the forms to allow us to handle the forms we need to process that you often need cheat sheets to know what is what. Then add in the references to the various manuals we have to follow or cite such as '' and you just live in numbers.

    At least with letters you have a fighting chance to suss out what it means, but with numbers we just need to do rote memorization. I'll be glad when I retire and can just (hopefully) sweep those things out of my memory. ^_^

    1. You'd be surprised at how off I can be with corporate lingo, and how the lingo changes from client to client. When I first hear someone say "LFG" in a Teams meeting, I nearly fell out of my chair laughing. I was eternally grateful for the mute button --and that I wasn't on video during that call, either.

    2. The Deadpool & Wolverine trailer had LFG at the end. It took me some time to realize just how they were using it. Looking For Group is so hardwired in my brain now that other versions take time to sink in. :)
