Monday, April 15, 2024

Meme Monday: Survival Game Memes

Survival games have been a thing for quite a while now, from the now ancient Minecraft to the recently departed "Unannounced Blizzard Survival Game". 

Couldn't resist. From IFunny Brazil.

Judging from both my blog feed and my WoW friend group this type of video game is pretty popular too, more so than, say, Baldur's Gate 3.

So, in honor of games that make you feel like you're living the life by having a stick to beat back your enemies with, here's some memes about survival games.

Rimworld isn't technically a survivor game
per se, but this meme is what I think of when
I play it. From Know Your Meme.

I saw this and immediately thought
of Day-Z, which one of my friend group
has been playing for the past few months.
From imgflip.

Having played both Minecraft and Conan Exiles,
I can confirm this feeling of elation. Hell, surviving
long enough to not only make a basic tool but
actually go to sleep is amazing. From Imgflip.

And this is why I don't play these
games that much. From Reveslwas
via Memedroid.

And one bonus Survival game meme...

Yes, the ol' Reddit r/starterpack.
Via Know Your Meme.

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