Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Not For Lack of Trying

In case you didn't know, Retail WoW has a new expansion out...

This was what I saw when I logged in on
Sunday night, and it's not the first pop-up
I've had either. I think that this is the second
or third one in the past week or so.

Even on Monday evening, when you login to Battle.Net your main screen on WoW Classic is this:

Just in case you missed it, you know...

I'd say they're hyping the hell out of the new expansion. Not exactly sure just how much interest they're going to get from the various shades of WoW Classic players (the first Classic-oriented news bit is the fifth article on the main page and it's about Cataclysm Classic), but they are trying.

Although I will say that the WoW Classic community is probably not Mythic Dungeon Invitational and the Arena World Championship's target audience. Just a hunch.

Kind of like this, but replace
'MMORPG' with WoW.
From Quickmeme.