Thursday, June 29, 2023

You Know You've Been Writing for a Long Time When... spend hours editing a document that should have been properly reviewed by someone else.

Yes, this was a document for work, and there were work things attached to this document that I'm not at liberty to discuss. However, a cursory glance of the doc told me that it needed help.


And I've been spending hours on this thing, and I'm close to halfway done, just trying to deconstruct what the author was aiming for and how to fix it. 

The funny thing is, I'm not mad at the author for the state of the document.* Who I am grumpy at, however, are the people who reviewed it before me who said "Yep, looks good!" and passed it on.

Who knew that all these years of writing ol' Parallel Context would come in handy like this?

*Again, for reasons I can't discuss.


  1. Ouch. I hope it went well. There's nothing like seeing something hobbling along being praised by others.

    1. I finally finished it late in the afternoon on Thursday, a day later than I said I'd get it done. But at least it was done.
