Monday, May 8, 2023

Meme Monday: Video Game RPG Memes

If you're like me you have played your share of RPG video games. I'm old enough that I played Colossal Cave Adventure back in 1981 on a remote teletype machine at a neighbor's house, Tunnels of Doom on the TI-99 4/A Home Computer, and even programmed in video game adventures for said TI Home Computer in BASIC and Extended BASIC to play.* 

Ah, Tunnels of Doom. My old friend.
Now the question is whether I have a
working cassette tape player to save
my progress. From Necropraxis.

So there are memes out there. 

Lots and lots of memes. 

Here are just a few of them.

I am most definitely NOT a
speedrunner. I realize some people
derive enjoyment from blasting
through a game, but that is most
definitely NOT me. From imgflip.

And this is why I don't have my
"Show Helm" option selected if
at all possible. Well, also because
a lot of helm artwork is pretty crappy.
From Cheezburger.

This is one of the reasons why I'm
not a fan of this staple of the RPG
genre (and MMOs in particular).
From Reddit.

And speaking of staples, why is it that
the best item(s) in a video game tend
to drop at the end? You'd think that you'd
want to find the best weapon in the game to
then go and defeat the Big Bad.
From imgur.

*Thus starting my interest and eventual career in IT.

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