Monday, December 30, 2024

Meme Monday: New Year's Memes for 2025

Eh, I'm going to pretend that parts of 2024 never happened.

Therefore, on to the new year!

See? Classic Godzilla is ready!
from EN World.

This sounds like a great idea in theory,
but I don't know if I can pull this off.
From Andreas Kjeldsen. 

At first I thought it was a meme from
one of The Hobbit movies, but I realized
that it was Robin Williams. Which means
this is Jumanji. From Pinterest.

Not so sure drinking and eating as
a concept for a good party is best for
my health. From Dungeons and Dads
Facebook group and

Yeah, I guess they covered their bases here.
From Dungeoncast's X posts.

And finally, one extra New Year's meme:

Uh, yeah. I died to the infamous Rot Grub
once. From the Toolmaster.