Monday, July 29, 2024

Meme Monday: Gen Con 2024 Memes

Yes, it's that time of the year again.

Gen Con is this week, from Thursday, August 1st through Sunday, August 4th. As usual, I'll be attending on Sunday along with my son, his SO, and my wife. I was kind of surprised when my wife wanted to go since she'd not expressed interest the past few years, but hey, I'm fine with it. 

Well, duh.
From Giphy and the Gamers.

I've got a few items I'm going to want to look for that aren't at my local game store, and I think that this year I might actually buy some artwork. Not exactly sure where I'll put it, but I'll come up with something. While I can appreciate some of the art at Gen Con,  not all of it really fits into the decor for the house. 

Although these are really damn cute.
From Gen Con 2023.

So, in honor of this year's Gen Con, time for some more memes!

I have only been there one day all of the years
I've been going, and I'm drained after that.
I shudder to think what it'd be like being there
for multiple days. From Reddit.

Hey, we got ours early this year too!
From Elon Musk's place.

Yeah, it's like that. I've kind of given up
explaining gaming to my non-gamer friends,
but if I tell them "it's like going to Gatlinburg for
the week" they all nod their heads. Yes, I live in
the Midwest; does it show? From Musk's place.

Although to be fair, given some people's
addiction to board and/or role playing games,
"Dealer's Hall" might be more appropriate.
From Musk's Place.


  1. Ohhh always so jealous of all the cons you can go to in the US - have fun there! :)
