Monday, March 4, 2024

Meme Monday: Coffee Memes

While tea has it's afternoon slot, particularly within British culture, coffee is first and foremost a morning ritual. Bowing to our caffeine overlords is a rite of passage in both school and work*, so in honor of coffee's importance in American culture, here's a few coffee memes...

When people ask how are you feeling
in that meeting at 7 AM...
From sheideas.

Self-explanatory. From dump-a-day.

I also drink coffee on the weekend when
I have to get up early for some project.
From Voltage Coffee.

If a woman told me that, my curiosity would
know no bounds. Alas, my wife only drinks tea.
From Ruin My Week.

And one bonus meme:

I knew a guy my Freshman year of college
who drank coffee and took No-Doz to stay awake
studying for a test the next day. He looked a bit
like this the next morning. From Remote Tools.

*True story: when I was in high school, one of the people campaigning for Student Body President ran on the platform of having coffee introduced into the cafeteria. He was laughed at back then --it was the 80s, after all-- but now? In the era of a Starbucks on every corner, he'd likely win the election on a platform like that.

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