Monday, April 10, 2023

Meme Monday: ::wink wink:: Memes

I know, I've used the title "Naughty Memes" before, but that was in reference to Naughty or Nice for Santa Claus for Christmas. And yes, I've done "Love Memes", but this is... ::wink wink::

Thanks for that, Agnes.


We're all adults here, right? Or at least acquainted with horniness, whether we're teenagers, college kids, or older. I've been sitting on these for quite a while now, but since Easter just passed, and this would have been the time for ancient fertility rites and festivals, why not have a ::wink wink:: Meme Monday?

"I don't get it. Your names are Buzz and
Woo-- ...ohhhh..."

For my wife this is very much a thing.
The first part, not the WoW part. Since
I had no sisters and I didn't date a lot
of girls, I have no idea how accurate this is,
but "getting the @#$%-ing bra off" is
a priority after work. Just sayin'.
From LyraFTW on Facebook.

Oh, the poor player. I would have
said that by accident.
From Munkythetroll.

Well, to be perfectly honest...
I mean, even I know that and I didn't
even watch Game of Thrones.
From Tumblr.

And two bonus ::wink wink:: memes...

Pretty much this. "We all make that
face during sex when we look like Shemp
when he needed cheese." --Dennis Miller
(back when he was good.)
From Kismetsgamerpublishing.

From dndmemes Facebook group.


  1. Not related to the memes, but I noticed that the header changed again! And to Chromag! Can't wait to find out what that means. 😉
