Monday, April 3, 2023

Meme Monday: Dungeon Master Memes

In honor of the D&D movie --which shocked me by actually being loved by both critics and movie goers*-- I figured I'd post a few memes honoring the (not so) humble DM.

The DM (or GM, your choice) is the leader at the table and facilitates the action. They also are the arbiter of what happens, and in the end their word goes. They also come up with adventures and keep people on track in a "herding cats" kind of way.

In our AD&D 1e campaign, I hope
we don't make the DM facepalm too much.
From Tumblr.

I've had DMs who think like this.
And people wonder where my paranoia
comes from.
From Tumblr and

Ah, genial Bob Ross, whose Joy of Painting
was a secret love of millions of college
aged students back in the 80s.

I've never had a DM actually say "Whoops",
but this is the scenario I think of.
From allthingsdnd.

And one bonus meme for those of us who grew up with Mr. Rodgers:

From litrpgreads.

*Anybody who lived through the disaster that was the original D&D movie back in 2000 would be shocked as well. It was so bad that comparisons to the Star Wars Holiday Special are not totally unwarranted. Based on that movie I was mightily concerned about what would happen to The Fellowship of the Ring when it released a year later in 2001, but thankfully that turned out okay.

EtA: Just a note that my AV software flagged as using a certificate not meant for that site.