The toons that are farthest along on the chart have gotten into Shadowfang Keep runs (save for Hoots, who just kills things and skins them) and the occasional Stormwind Stockade run, and due to the class quests some Blackfathom Deeps runs are in the near future for Linna and Joan.
In spite of the leveling, I've actually been doing a lot more travel than anything else. If I thought I was getting a bit tired of Westfall and Elwynn Forest, Ashenvale pretty much said "hold my beer". I'll admit that Ashenvale is a nice change of pace from the Human lands, but given that I keep my Human toons' Hearthstone located back at Stormwind* I have to make absolutely sure I want to hearth out of a place when it's half a world away from where I'll end up. And yes, on more than one occasion I've forgotten where my Hearth was set and only discovered after I reappeared.
Still, I've been enjoying this pace. Nothing crazy, mind you, but just moving ahead steadily. It does come in fits and spurts at times, but having done the Vanilla Classic leveling routine enough times before, I'm used to it.
I have been wondering when my next toon culling will happen, but nothing has been speaking to me yet. I suspect the Priests will be left behind next, but once I get used to their playstyle after having been away for a week or so I'm back to being comfortable once more.
One thing that I've found interesting is that a Paladin's attack style is fundamentally similar to that of a Shaman's. Or, more specifically, an Enhancement Shaman's. A Paladin leads with an attack that sets up a debuff of some sort (the type of lead in will change what the specific debuff is) and then the Pally waits, autoattacking, while other abilities become available. The Enhancement Shaman has a similar lead-in which will cause a buff to either yourself or a debuff to the enemy, and then it too will autoattack until special attacks come off of cooldown. I can see why it was done this way, since each class is specific to only one faction (Paladins => Alliance and Shamans => Horde) and that basic similarity is balanced out by the so-called "fine print". I'm not gonna argue that the Shaman or Paladin is a better class, because if you don't like playing it what I say won't change your mind one bit. I will say, however, that if I didn't have the mental baggage with me I'd be likely playing a lot more of that Shaman than some other classes. Both the Shaman and Paladin fit my melee playstyle.
Oh well.
*Or by accident in Westfall. That is a wee bit annoying.
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