Monday, March 3, 2025

Meme Monday: Wilderness Memes

The other day, we had a visitor outside the window where I work:

The deer was standing when we first noticed her,
but she decided to rest in the sun for a while.

She's a young deer, but she doesn't have spots anymore, so she's no longer a fawn. 

That got me to thinking about how during the pandemic the wilderness crept back into "human" areas as people retreated to inside homes and apartments.

From the Covid19 archive, cfa.cats Instagram, and
The New Yorker magazine.

So, I thought of posting a few wilderness inspired memes today...

This was the first thing I thought of when I came
up with this post. I'm as guilty of this as
any other RPG player. From Reddit's r/dndmemes.

Ever been in one of those RPG campaigns where you
roll poorly and then the DM starts rolling all sorts of
dice? Yeah, the poster of this meme on Reddit felt
the same way. From Reddit's r/dndmemes.

You can tell this is NOT Elden Ring because everything
is so bright and cheery. It's from The Witcher 3, actually.
From Reddit's r/gaming.

There are survivalists out there, and then
there's Bear Grylls. From MMO-Champion,
of all places.

And if you've ever seen Pixar films, you knew this was
coming. I've never seen Up and even I knew it was
going to be here. From Yarn and Pixar (naturally).