Wednesday, February 26, 2025

There Hasn't Been a Dragon in These Parts for... Uh... Two Days, Maybe?

The past couple of weeks on Operation Spread the Love have seen slow but consistent progress. 

Longtime SF&F novel fans may recognize the name
Ctuchik from David Eddings' The Belgariad. The so-called
"Magician of the Murgos" is the perfect name for
a Shadow Priest or a Warlock. In this case, a Shadow Priest.

I haven't jumped into any instances and I've kept mostly to myself while questing. Well, there's also the fact that I've not played altogether that much over the past two weeks either. An hour or two per day an average of 5 days per week doesn't exactly add up to much in MMO terms. Right now, however, that's good enough for me. 

The way I play means I don't really exit Rested XP*, so that's why my levels are as high as they are. 

Of course, something big did happen to one of my toons...

I'm going on an adventure!

And oh yeah, this happened too...

Uh oh. I think I must taste good with ketchup...

Yes, some Hunter thought it'd be a good idea to kite Teremus the Devourer to Stormwind, and a lot of lowbies (and higher level toons) got burnt to a crisp. And a bunch of bots around the Auction House and mailbox, but that goes without saying.

So, things are progressing. Sorta. Kinda. Maybe.

*Except for Hoots, who left Rested XP close to leveling to L25, so I figured I might as well finish that up before moving to other toons to play.

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