Now is the winter of our discontent
Made glorious summer by this sun of York
--Richard, Duke of Gloucester, from Richard III by William Shakespeare
My Questing Buddy has had a bit of a rough time on the WoW Classic Anniversary server lately. She wanted to raid but she lives in the Pacific Time Zone, so she wanted to join a guild that raids on PST evening hours. Luckily for her, she found one, so she joined the guild and pushed to get raid ready by their start date.* Despite my reservations at how she was pushing herself --and believe me, I'm kind of sensitive to that sort of thing now-- she managed to pull it off and also get most of her pre-raid BiS gear** prior to going to her first Molten Core and Onyxia raids.
She's a very experienced Classic raider, so other than the "herding cats" portion of 40 person raids, she knew what she needed to do. Oh, and she's a damn good healer too,*** so no issues there. Given that the guild wanted to operate in a semi-hardcore manner, I figured that everybody going in was experienced in the early Vanilla raids.
Oh, how wrong I was.
The day after her first raid with them, I asked her how it went. "It was a shitshow," she replied, and then proceeded to discuss in detail some pretty standard rookie problems in Molten Core, such as line of sight issues and whatnot, but to top it off there were some questionable raid team decisions, such as taking your world buffs out of the Chronoboon**** before Garr, a boss well known to wipe undergeared MC raids. As you can guess, that exact thing happened, so everybody lost their raid buffs in one fell swoop. Well, except for my Questing Buddy, who sensed disaster looming and refused unboon her buffs as asked.
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This is actually Baron Geddon, not Garr, but you get the idea. I think they wiped on Geddon too. From The Lurker Lounge. |
There were also petty issues with loot, because instead of using DKP or Loot Reserve or even Main Spec rolls they went with a variety of Loot Council called "That's My BiS". Knowing that Loot Council was involved was bad enough, but the raid itself not going well kind of exacerbated loot issues.
After unburdening everything about that first raid night, she told me she'd give them two weeks to clean up their shit or she was leaving.
The next week, I was surprised to hear from her that the raid went really smoothly. I chalked up the first raid night to just getting people on the same page, and figured things would continue to get better.
(I did mention about being wrong, correct? Yep, I did.)
This past week was another shitshow, with similar line of sight issues, tanks yelling at healers (and vice versa), and DPS pulling bosses or not knowing where to stand, and then to top it off there was even MORE loot drama, but this time with the That's My BiS system itself and how the Guild Master let friends change their loot lists after certain loot had already dropped. It's more complicated than that, but the gist of it is that a lot of people were really upset that some people were allowed to change things after they saw what other people had wanted for their loot lists.
Yes, I know, it's petty, but that's MMOs for you.
So, over the weekend, there was a guild meeting to see if they were going to disband or not, and the net result was that the worst offenders were given the boot and a new guild created with most of everybody else --my Questing Buddy included-- joining. I guess we'll see how that goes.
As for me, things have been slow.
Not slow as in "not leveling fast" --okay, there's that too-- but slow as in "not doing much".
I spend a bit of my time moving from place to place, doing this and that, but just am not really feeling into playing the Anniversary servers very much. Or truth be told, WoW in general. I had 1.5 days off last week, and you'd think that I'd have gotten online and played a bit, but... nah, I didn't. I did other things, such as cleaning. Or napping.
Or, worse, upgrading my PC to Windows 11.
No, I'm not thrilled about that, but if we were going to be forced into it by Microsoft, I was going to be the one to go first and upgrade my kids' laptops later.*****
When I am online, I've discovered I've leveled so slowly that even people I've had conversations in Westfall about taking their time while leveling are in their upper L30s and lower L40s now. As you can tell from the loading screen above, my highest toon is L22. I can now spend an entire evening on a single toon and not get that toon to go up a level once. I don't mind the lack of progress, but I do mind when people want to help me out. I get where they think they're helping or they just want to play with me, and there are times when I wonder if I'd still be kind of meh about WoW if I were closer to max level.
The in-game boosters do play on this FOMO, but I don't think that's it. I've even begun avoiding my friends' alts when I play, because I'm just not really feeling it and I don't want to be a Debbie Downer.
Well, there's also the likelihood that my friends will want their alts to be boosted, but I have enough toons I'm working on that if I did get a boost run somewhere on one of them I simply won't play that toon until my other toons catch up. Given the slowness of the leveling pace, it may be a couple of weeks between playing on the various toons.
Just when I wasn't really feeling it, my game time expired on Monday.
This was the first time in about a decade --and the first time since August 2019 when WoW Classic launched-- where I sat there and gave serious thought whether I should purchase another 60 days' worth of game time or not. I've toyed with it in the past, but I don't think I ever really thought about it that seriously until now. In the end, I decided I was going to just let it lapse for a few days. I imagine that there's going to be a rush of FOMO at first --it happened when I unsubbed in 2014 before Warlords of Draenor came out-- but after that dies down in a few days if I still kind of feel like I want to play, I'll go buy another 60 days' worth.
We'll see how it goes.
*Obviously, it was going to be much faster than I wanted to get to level cap.
**"You lucky bastard!" was how I put it when she described how many attempts it took to get her "blue dress" from UBRS. Something along the lines of 2 or 3 tries. And yeah, our other friends have been getting drops like the Hand of Justice out of Blackrock Depths or the Recipe for the Crusader Enchantment with such ease that it makes a mockery of the incredibly bad luck I have in getting gear and/or drops.
***Which is kind of funny, given that we met when she was tanking on her Druid, and she also raided on her Warlock in TBC Classic.
****Blizzard created a Chronoboon, a device used to store world buffs, as a single use item sold by a vendor in the Western Plaguelands. While not found in original Vanilla WoW, it was created to combat the problem generated by people who would accumulate all of their world buffs prior to raiding and then simply log out for several days until raid night. This way, a player could store the world buffs until they were ready to use them in the raid.
*****Things went very smoothly, to my surprise. There's a bad driver here and there, but nothing I can't fix.
EtA: fixed "over" with "other".
Oof. That's the, no pun intended, classic nightmare about loot councils. Sadly, 'don't be a jerk' when it comes to loot is too much for some people.
ReplyDeleteLetting the game lapse when I wasn't feeling it took some time for me to get used to. There's a comfort in playing familiar characters that can be difficult to walk away from. It took me a bit to realize that it was mentally better for me to stop when the game was a dull grind and wasn't all that much fun. Letting myself have natural breaks has really benefited my enjoyment of the game. Now if I could only be in sync with everyone else I know when they take breaks. ;)
What I've ultimately done is go the year subscription route. I get some gift money each year and I use that to help subsidize the annual subscription. As my game time tends to peak and valley over the year it all evens out such that I don't 'waste' money, plus I'm getting my game time at the cheapest, albeit biggest up-front, rate. But, hey, at least there are options for people's different needs.
I've been using Windows 11 since it came out. I like trying new things, plus being the canary-in-the-coal-mine for the family helps make other upgrades less painful. I've liked Windows 11 and don't get the hate, but people complaining about a new version of Windows is par for the course. I generally haven't had driver issues with my stuff. I have had to go in and kill off some old remnants of things when I tried to get all the security stuff going, but that's to be expected since I upgraded in place.
I really dislike Loot Council, because it's almost impossible to avoid the appearance of playing favorites. And if you try to impose some sort of ranking system, such as using the parsing numbers from the logs, the best players will get the best gear and will separate themselves from the pack even more, which only exacerbates the situation. And then you have to deal with egos, because I had to deal with that when I was part of the raid lead team in TBC Classic, where the best raiders wanted to push us faster and harder than we could go, so they jumped to the guild's other raid team instead. It's all an egotistical mess, when you'd think that people would be mature enough about it, and then that competition gene kicks in, and...
DeleteI'm one of those people who is okay with the idea of taking a break, but only if I'm not wasting my money on it. The last time I would pay for a subscription and not do much to it was when my wife and I joined a health club as part of a local hospital. We were members for several years, but after a couple she didn't show up much at all and while I would go regularly for a while, I'd inevitably get sick in the Fall/Winter and fall off the bandwagon. I'd just feel guilty about not using the membership, and we could certainly use the money, so I eventually cancelled it.
With WoW, if I'm not going to use it, I'm going to stop paying for it. I realize I'm a drop in the bucket as far as money goes, but by simply paying for game time it forces me to manually fork over the dollars every couple of months. It just happened to be the perfect time when my own discontent reached a high point right as my current game time ended.
The irony is I should have checked my auctions before the time ended, but that also happened in 2014. Not like I make a ton of gold that way anyway.
Windows 11 is... Okay. The biggest annoyance is the hardware requirements. Our old PC --that my wife used once I bought my own in 2021-- was an Intel Ivy Bridge from 2012, which was for then the bleeding edge, but it isn't even close to being the minimum spec for Windows 11. We replaced her PC with a new one over Christmas, so I got a chance to make sure Windows 11 worked for us, and it was only then that I decided I was going to back up my data and bite the bullet. So far, so good, with the exception of some Samsung drivers for USB devices. Not exactly sure what to do there, but once I figure that out I'll be better prepared to deal with my kids' laptops when the time comes. (Although a trip to Milwaukee looks to be sometime in the next several months.)
Neither of our PCs qualify for Win11, although mine is only a cpu upgrade away. I wasn't even going to bother but the laptop I just got has Win11 and it actually seems nicer to use than 10 - certainly it's nicer to look at - so maybe I will after all. Not really sure what difference it makes if you stick with an unsupported version anyway - the old laptop, which I used pretty much daily throughout 2024 is still on 8.1 and I had no issues with it.
DeleteThe biggest issue is the lack of security updates, really. Functionally-wise, there's nothing really that might break, but the lack of security updates is a problem.
DeleteIt helps me to have several versions of the game in play at any given time, and that I really enjoy them all. Lessons learned from other games, though, I always subscribe month to month. Atheren
ReplyDeleteRight now the only version of the game I can say I enjoy is Classic Era and its cousin the Anniversary Server(s). If I feel kind of meh about things, I've got other games (and MMOs) to play for a while. For example, I've not touched Baldur's Gate 3 in about 9 months, and I haven't really played LOTRO in forever.