It should come as no surprise that I've come across a bunch of memes over the years where games have earned a certain reputation, good or bad. There's the low hanging fruit, such as GTA 6 vaporware, and the complete disaster of certain releases (I'm looking at you, No Man's Sky). So, for this Meme Monday, I thought I'd dip into my bag of games that have acquired a certain reputation.
Admittedly, Cyberpunk 2077 eventually got much more stable and, well, complete with the extra content, but it took a while. I don't think Fallout 76 can compete. From Reddit. |
D&D 4th Edition was extremely divisive to the player base, the fallout of which directly led to Paizo's Pathfinder RPG and gave a boost to the Old School RPG movement. My opinion was always that D&D 4e would have been better off as an RPG without being tied to the D&D name, so it's nice to see someone else with that opinion. from Reddit. |
Ubisoft and bugs. 'Nuff said. From |
Yes, I know, nudity doesn't exist in WoW. However, WoW does have that reputation --courtesy of Goldshire-- that it's a naughty naughty game. Just try not to think that the female toon on the screen is probably a guy IRL. I know I can't. From quickmeme. |
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