Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Churn Goes On...

Blogs come and go. More often than not, they tend to simply fade away as real life or other factors step in and demand more of the blogger's time.

This time it's different.

Gevlon has decided to retire his Greedy Goblin blog after deciding that the MMO arena has no more space for people who want to get better:

"Players no longer need to be any good to progress. They just have to log in and open their wallets. The morons and slackers who couldn’t clear Karhazan back in the day, now clear all the content, because it’s tailored for their pathetic performance. They don’t have to learn anything to succeed, so learning became “tryhard”. They became the dominant culture in gaming. Being any good became “elitism”. “Gamers are dead” is the new slogan among developers. And don’t even get me started about mobile crap.
As a result, any kind of good information is rejected and actively hated. When I found how to get to the toplist of PUBG, all I got were downvotes and hate from the “community”, for ruining their “fun” of mindlessly killing each other. When I disproved the bizarre conspiracy theory that baddies made up in World of Warships to explain their defeats, I got banned from the game’s subreddit. And let’s not even mention CCP Falcon and his antics.

There is no more point in trying to play well, so there is no point writing about it. So people stopped doing so. There were no one left for inspiration. The remaining gaming blogs are personal adventures and maybe game reviews, but not teaching anything about games. Blogging in general went nosedive, giving way to “streamers”, acting in clown (or slut) costumes for money.

I tried longer than most. I hoped that the tide will turn. But it’s time for me to accept that my hobby went the way of television: once an intelligent entertainment, now targeted to the lowest common denominator.

There is no point continuing this blog, so I stop. I will keep playing games, for my own entertainment, using self-imposed (scrub) limits to challenge myself, but there is no value writing about it."

Sure, there's plenty of Gevlon's signature style of disparaging the 'morons and slackers' in this snippet from his post, but I don't think that Gevlon's basic premise is completely correct. There's plenty of people out there trying to win at MMOs, and they share some of Gevlon's drive, but what I think has changed is what it means to "win". 

Gevlon's goals were straightforward: amass tons of gold; win enough matches to get onto leaderboards, be on progression raiding guilds that kill off raid bosses with ease, etc. Those are easily defined and have metrics you can track. But when "winning" becomes less associated with those goals and more with "are you having fun?", then the singleminded purpose of "winning" changes. 

Or, in Gevlon's case, he has been around long enough to see his blog made functionally obsolete by the video game industry.


I'll be honest in that while I respected Gevlon's work, I never really thought much of him as a person. He had no time for the aforementioned 'morons and slackers', and while I understand where he's coming from, I don't believe in ripping people a new asshole just because I don't agree with them. Yes, I'm aware it used to be a shtick that Gevlon adopted with the Goblin persona, but I believe that ship sailed long ago and we're now seeing the person behind the Gevlon persona.

I'd imagine that Gevlon really doesn't care what I --or anyone else, for that matter-- think. Still, words do matter, and if you talk and act like an insufferable ass, then don't be surprised if people react to your posts (on your blog, your comments, or Reddit for that matter) as if you're an ass.

All that aside, another voice from the MMO gamer space has gone the way of the Dodo. Nobody will truly replace Gevlon because he was so unique, and love him or hate him, Gevlon did demand your attention.


  1. I never read Gevlon, the few times aside when Larisa engaged him much to everyone's surprise. I think you nailed it that despite his often cool analysis and obvious player skills, he made it very hard to like him as a person. much of that has to do more with how he expressed his gripes rather than what they were.
    When it comes to the falling standards within the game industry and falling standards among gamers nowadays, I fully agree with him.

    1. And I also firmly believe that Gevlon didn't care what we thought of him. At least on the surface, anyway. But his last post made me think of a kid who is taking their ball and going home because somebody was mean to him. Or in this case, didn't give him enough respect.

      Sure the standards have fallen, but that's pretty much a money-driven thing. For someone who worshiped the market as much as Gevlon did, he ought to know that games moved this way because game companies could make more money selling "dumbed down" games, and that was driven by investors wanting all the profits. But it seemed to me that games moved away from Gevlon and Gevlon didn't like it.

  2. I think the thing that was fascinating about Gevlon is how quickly he could oscillate between saying things that made you go "hmm, interesting idea" or "I think he has a point" as well as seeming interested in reasonable debate, and sounding like a batshit-insane sociopath. It always made you think that if only he'd learn a little more about the world in general and human empathy in specific, maybe he'd be able to change for the better.

    In any case, he did produce blog posts with impressive regularity for a really long time and definitely made his mark in WoW back in Wrath, so I do respect that. To be honest I'm still hoping that he'll be back for Classic or something. I imagine that it will offer plenty of opportunity for the kind of shenanigans he used to enjoy, which I'm sure would be entertaining to read about.

    1. Yes, he was a prickly one, no doubt about it. He could fly off the handle in a Tweet storm before Twitter even was a thing.

      As for Classic, I don't know. I can see Gevlon no lnoger posting because the "morons and slackers" don't know how to do WoW Classic and "Blizzard destroyed Classic to cater to them." I guess we should have a betting pool as to which lines Gevlon will say about WoW Classic, and the losers have to send the winner some alcohol or something.
