Contact Us

To contact Parallel Context, please send e-mail to the following address:

parallel [dot] context [at] gmail [dot] com

(I try to make a point at checking e-mail once a month, but given the lack of email traffic that timing might slip a bit. --Red)

A few points of note:

  • Don't send any e-mails asking to be added to our blogroll.  I add (and delete) on our blogroll based on my own reading habits, so we have to be reading your blog first before we'd consider adding it to our blogroll.  Believe me, I'm chatty enough by myself that it'll be obvious if I'm reading your blogroll.
  • Yes, I've heard of Runescape. No, I don't have a Runescape account. No, I don't need to worry about whether my Runescape account is suspended. Really, spammers, you have to be a bit more original.
  • If you need me more quickly than the once a week e-mail check, drop a comment in a post.  I'm not a big fan of e-mail forwarding and the hacking capabilities thereof, so if something needs to be addressed quickly, ping me via a comment.

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