Thursday, January 16, 2025

A Snapshot of Classic Fresh Guild Names Part 3

One aspect of the continuing health of the Anniversary servers is the constant flow of new guilds onto the scene. On the bright side, I have more material for this blog. On the not so bright side... You know, I haven't gotten many whispers about guild invites lately. I think that's because there's simply so many people that the bots and guilds aren't needing to scavenge for everybody out there. Perhaps when the people playing drop off will I start seeing more guild invites, but I guess we'll wait and see.

And away we go...

EtA: Not sure how "One aspect" became "I slice" in my writing, but it did. Corrected.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Economic Life Lessons from an MMO

If there's one thing about my leveling experience in Classic Fresh that's a truism, it's that I almost never run out of Rested XP while playing. When you think about it that's not a great surprise, given that I'm leveling 10 toons:

For Joan, I went with a vaguely unsettling look with
a shock of white hair and piercing blue eyes with her
mocha skin tone. In her red robe, she had that look.
She had to have been a Wednesday-esque sort of child
growing up. The listings are current as of January 14, 2025.

Right now, I'm at the point where I play a different toon every evening, so I might get around to them once every week or week and a half, and I can now go an entire evening session on WoW without leveling at all.* Admittedly, a bit of that is that I'm cheap and don't take a flight from a flight point if I can help it, because my lack of gold means every flight cuts into my money quite a bit. 

The economics of an MMO aren't exactly what people signed up for when they started playing --EVE notwithstanding-- but it's a reality that has to be addressed sooner or later. I've never played Everquest or any of the predecessors to WoW, but I have played several games released after WoW. I'm not sure whether the in-game economy of WoW necessitated changes or whether it was in response to other MMOs making life easier, but I never truly appreciated how easy it was to obtain gold by the time Wrath of the Lich King rolled around until I began playing Vanilla WoW in 2019. 

In Wrath in 2009, I discovered very quickly that the gold coming in was greater than what my needs were, and by the time I reached max level and started running dungeons I wasn't hurting for gold. I wasn't rich enough to by fast flying or the Battered Hilt at the drop of a hat, but I had a couple of thousand gold on me at any given time. I didn't have repair bills due to raiding (or enchantments or whatnot either), so just doing a dungeon or two per day was more than enough to keep my gold supply increasing. In other words, I never had to really think about how to obtain more gold. When I decided I wanted fast flying or that Battered Hilt, I just waited for my supply to get high enough and I bought it. 

Other MMOs I played had a similar approach: just playing the game and leveling meant I would have a supply of gold available to me. That supply was nowhere near what the likely "average" amount of money was out there, but I was happy with that because I didn't really use it that much. To use another game's currency as a reference, I get a supply of Cartel Coins per month from SWTOR for subscribing. That being said, I can't tell you the last time I actually used those Cartel Coins for anything.

Over 57,000 Cartel Coins as of January 14, 2025. Yikes.

I don't buy cosmetics, and I'm happy with the (relatively unfurnished) housing I do have, so I really have no need to spend that currency.**

But coming back to Vanilla WoW in 2019 and once more on the Anniversary servers is a bit of a shock to the system.

There's simply not enough money to be had while questing to cover all of your expenses, so you have to prioritize things a bit. You have to pick and choose which abilities to train, consumables to obtain, and even whether to take that flight point or not while out in the field. 

Now, multiply that by 10 and you can see where the problems are, especially if you never played the majority of these classes before and you're dead set on figuring it out by yourself. There have been evenings where I spent the majority of my time finding ways to make some gold, whether it be by fishing and selling my catch, grinding mobs for drops, or crafting to sell raw materials or finished items on the Auction House. If I'm not doing that, I'm basically making things for my own toons to use, because it's cheaper than buying it on the Auction House or from a vendor.

My insistence on following Operation Spread the Love means that I've hamstrung my ability to make gold as well, because people are making gold selling max level services, such as ports or water/food or highly desirable potions while I'm back at L20 making pretty basic stuff to distribute to my various toons. Even low-end magic items that drop off of mobs that I would ordinarily disenchant for Enchanting raw materials I instead distribute to my various toons because, well, they can use them. 

And so my penny pinching continues. 


Some of the people I played with back in my old Retail Orphans guild have returned to WoW and begun playing the Anniversary servers. I'm not especially surprised by this, because the Anniversary servers are explicitly going to The Burning Crusade expansion, and they've previously expressed to me their love for Karazhan, one of the first raids in TBC. The irony is that the last time I spoke with them I was powerleveling a Shaman and they were stunned at how rapidly I was leveling. Now, the tables have been turned as they're in the mid-L30s even though they started two weeks ago, while I started in late November and only have some toons at L20. 

I had a lengthy conversation with a player in Westfall while I was on my warlock, Joanofdark, the other week. He, like me, is a member of Gen X and we bonded over playing D&D back in the day as well as books we liked. He, like me, was taking his time leveling because he wasn't wanting to get caught up in the rat race. All in all, it was a pleasant hour spent just chilling with a random person in a 20+ year old video game.

*That's happened on my Warlock, my Warrior, my Rogue, and my Shaman.

**Obviously, this doesn't apply to real life, as I have enough projects around the house just to fix things up that there's a constant "gold sink" in my life. 

Monday, January 13, 2025

Meme Monday: Miscellaneous Memes for 2025

I figured that with the holidays and the new year over, let's clear out some of the old memes I've had lying around.

Heh. From Imgflip.

Alas for WoW players that Warcraftlogs will point
the finger at you. From Ranker.

Yeah, I can relate. Especially when Blizz
drops something like Classic Fresh.
From Imgflip.

Yep. From Pinterest.

This has been in my holding area
for so long I don't even have a reference
to where I found it.

Same with this meme, but I do agree with
the sentiment. I'm pretty much all Star Wars' out
at this point, with the exception of the SWTOR
vanilla areas.

Friday, January 10, 2025

That Barrens Schizophrenia

Even among WoW players, The Barrens is kind of a weird place. Oh, not the awesome stretches of the savannah that reach north and south, and not even for how (in)famous some of the quests are --Mankrik's Wife, anyone?-- but for Barrens Chat itself.

From the endless supply of Chuck Norris jokes to the truly oddball mixture of political and social topics, Barrens Chat is unique to World of Warcraft. Elwynn Forest Chat might want to compete, and The Lion's Pride Inn at Goldshire notwithstanding Elwynn Chat is definitely second banana to Barrens Chat.

I was reminded of that the other day when I was on my Shaman for a little while, working on some of the Kill Ten Rats* quests. 

Someone complained in Barrens Chat about someone stealing their mining node while they were actively mining the node, and instead of sympathy the player got a lot of "mine faster" and "too bad so sad" reactions. A few people did express disapproval of that asshole's behavior, but they were outnumbered by quite a bit.

Then conversation turned toward politics, and... Yeah, I'm not gonna go there on this blog.

I was kind of disheartened by the conversation, so I switched to another tab where I had Gen Chat disabled and kept questing. 

Then I got back to The Crossroads, and before I could even unload by bags a Tauren Hunter came up to me and opened a Trade window.

He began dumping a load of crafted gear into the window.

"Do you need anything for this?" I asked. "Some mats or something?"

"Nah," he replied. "Take it."

He also provided me with an extra bag, since I was a bag short and my bags were all full anyway.

After that conversation, I shook my head. "Only in The Barrens," I thought.

*Or in this particular case "Kill Enough Harpy Lieutenants and Take Their Rings".

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

A Change of Perspective

I don't play Gnomes a lot.

Okay, I don't play them at all in the same way I don't play Forsaken, but at least the overtly evil aspect of the Forsaken* isn't found in Gnomish society. It's just that Gnomes really don't interest me at all in the same way that Kender and Gnomes in the Dragonlance novels/D&D setting didn't interest me. The fact that Gnomes are the metagame option for caster classes (Mage and Warlock) didn't exactly help either. 

To help an in-game friend create a "Gnome Only" guild,
I did create ol' Grumpygus here, whom I actually never play.

However, for expediency on the Anniversary servers, I created a gnome banker. 

My first thoughts on creating one were "Why did I do this?" And it wasn't rhetorical, either, as the likelihood of an L1 Gnome dying while getting to Ironforge was much higher than creating a new Night Elf or Human and running to Darnassus or Stormwind respectively. As it turns out, the timely arrival of an L5 player making the run through the tunnels to Kharanos and on to Ironforge saved my pathetic banker from an ignominious death. 

Having arrived at Ironforge, however, I was presented with a pretty standard "banker" experience: go set yourself up to receive items, then go to the bank to deposit them and/or distribute/sell them. No big deal, so I did just that.

A few weeks later, I was taking a screenshot for a guild name I found amusing, and I happened to zoom in on said banker. It was then that I discovered that Gnomes have a very different perspective than other races. 

Okay, this is kind of uncomfortable.

This makes Cardwyn feeling like a shrimp compared to Night Elves (and Draenei) look tame by comparison.

When your toon can pretty much run underneath a regular horse, you have an extreme difference in perspective. 

I guess some people like this, especially given some of the commentary in the Dwarf/Gnome starting zone, but... Yeah. I'm not doing this one again.

*Okay, in the Old World of pre-Cataclysm World of Warcraft, that sort of evil-ness is primarily limited to members of the Apothecary (and Varimathras), but it's much more in-your-face in the reworked Azeroth from Cataclysm onward.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Meme Monday: Snowy Memes

Sunday has been a day of watching the snow come down.

I could have just put up any photo, but you can see
the road in the background.

It started snowing around 10 AM today, and it's projected for the snow to switch over to sleet and ice overnight, then back to snow to finish things up. Current snowfall totals are for 5-8" (12.5-20.5 cm) of snow with another 1-3" (2.5 - 7.5 cm) of sleet and ice atop it. That prediction might be a bit low, as we now have 7" of snow on the ground as of 10:40 PM.

So I figured why not post some memes referencing snowfall?

I've already been informed by my wife that I'm not to
overdo it, as she doesn't want me to have a heart attack.
from Reddit.

I was at the grocers earlier this morning, and
it wasn't nearly as bad as this. From geeksandgamers.

We're waaaay past 4 inches now.
From Pinterest and Reddit.

Really? From imgflip.

And you can't have snow without getting
some inspiration for an RPG session.
From DnDDads.