Monday, September 23, 2024

Meme Monday: The Return of Fake Book Memes

I've had so many of these fake book memes in my file, waiting for the proper time and place, that I figured I ought to bring them out sooner or later.

And that time is now.

I'm pretty sure we had the original book
this is based on as kids, but I can't remember
what it was titled for the life of me.
From Pinterest.

Hey, that's my job!
From Pinterest. (Yes, you detect a trend here.)

Somebody got into the keg of
Hudy 14K in the school's gymnasium
again! (Yes, there were kegs of beer there
where if you were clever you could turn
the kegerator on and have a drink.
Must be a West Side of Cincinnati thing.)
From (you guessed it) Pinterest.

Sometimes my inner Middle Schooler
comes out. The first time I saw this one
I giggled so hard I began coughing.
From Pinterest.

And one extra Fake Book Meme....

I'm pretty sure I'm going to Hell for
putting this out out here. From Facebook.


  1. There’s a Facebook page called Your Childhood Ruined that has tons of covers like these. The Pulp cover is its own beast, though. Atheren

    1. I haven't really used Facebook since the beginning of the pandemic, and I'd been dialing it back since 2016, so I didn't know that page/group existed.

    2. Ya well it used to be the place where my sisters all communicated, but they’ve dropped to the occasional phone text string. Work friends are there, though, plus an astonishing number of sites covering my many interests. I hope you grabbed the Walmart vintage cat while it was available.😂 Atheren
