Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Uh... About that Pre-Patch

When the pre-patch for Wrath Classic dropped, everybody in my BNet list --and I do mean everybody-- was in Wrath Classic.

This time, in Cataclysm Classic?

As of 9:30 PM EST, there are exactly four.

There's also two in Season of Discovery, and one in Classic Era.

Of a BNet list of 26 regular Classic players who were in Wrath Classic at pre-patch at this time of night back then, less than 20% is not a good look. 

I was curious about people whom I'm not BNet friends with but have had direct messages via Discord, and unlike that first night, very very few people are on World of Warcraft right now. Especially those that I raided with in Vanilla and TBC Classic. 

So, while there may be activity in Cataclysm Classic, among the people I played with in earlier instances of WoW Classic Cata does not have any draw whatsoever.

At least for now.


  1. A short update: As of 11:15 PM EST, there are five in Cata Classic, two in Season of Discovery, and one in Retail.

  2. Yeah, this is pretty predictable. The entire point of Classic is the pre-Cataclysm world for many of us. Cataclysm is also widely regarded as the expansion where it became clear that Blizzard was losing their way, at least for those of us that dislike Retail. I say this as someone that quite enjoyed Cataclysm at the time.

    What I can't figure out is why they didn't just leave one or two Lich King servers up. Seems like they are walking away from a lot of sub money.

    Maybe they will relent if the population of Classic completely craters. However, right now it seems like their plan is to quickly move on to Pandaria. For those of us that like the old world and crunchy talent trees, it won't help.
