Wednesday, January 1, 2014

What a way to start the new year

I wasn't planning on making this my first post of the year, but I see being an ass in video gamer space is reaching the level of interfering with emergency calls:

Hackers Harass League of Legends Livestreamer with DDOS Attacks

Calling 911 on somebody?  Really?  Just how old are these people, 10?


  1. And they seem to have a Twitter account that invites you to send requests, I guess so they can troll a person of your choice, sigh. And what's worse they have almost 50,000 followers.

    1. Yeah. I can't imagine this group staying around for that much longer, given that municipalities don't like their emergency services being wasted like that.

  2. That's kinda freaky. Happy new year anyway tho, Redbeard.

  3. If the trolls are messing around with RL, does that mean we can refuse to feed them IRL, too? Let them just sit around and get really, really hungry until they promise to act like normal people? Totally a viable solution.

    1. More like they need their cell phones taken away for a while.
