
Monday, April 1, 2024

Meme Monday: RPG/MMO Cat Memes

It was inevitable that I'd create a cat version of Meme Monday, but that's simply because at least I can enjoy the memes without worrying about allergies.

Yes, I'm allergic to cats, so when I visit friends who have cats I make sure to take some meds. Frequently Benadryl, which also means there's those famous Benadryl side effects:

From Someecards.

That doesn't mean I dislike cats, I just have to be medicated around them. So, here's a few RPG and MMO related cat memes:

Cats can be damn cute. From Imgur.

They also have a habit of knocking things over.
From Cheezburger.

Like my sister-in-law, they have a tendency
toward naps. In the sun.
From Cheezburger.

Truth. From @strikestory on that Elon Musk app.

Uh... Yeah.
From quickmeme.

And one bonus cat meme:

I feel ya, kitty. I'm the same way, and nobody
can tell me otherwise. From Pinterest.

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