
Sunday, November 5, 2023

That Feeling When... look up and realize it's November, and you've been unconsciously writing fiction for the past week without prompting.

It must be NaNoWriMo.

I didn't sign up for it this year, because every time I did I would end up with barely 2000 words. And this time it wasn't about trying to prove to myself that I could write something, like I did the past couple of Blaugusts, I...

Well, I just started writing. Not because of NaNoWriMo, but just because of the urge to do so.


One thing I don't understand --I truly don't-- is why Cardwyn has gotten under my skin as much as she has. 

I mean, she's by far not the first fictional character I created and wrote about, and also not the first RPG/MMO character I've written about either, but something about her has just taken root and I can't shake it. This is one of life's quirks that truly annoy me, because I'm not one for fan fiction. It's not that she's a canon character or anything, but the world that she inhabits is owned by a corporation, and that definitely qualifies her as fan fiction in my book. 

And I'm not projecting myself on her, either. At least I don't think I am, since if you gave me an offer that I could be whatever RPG class I wished in a real life scenario, I'd probably pick a Paladin. 

I really don't know why, but I've already put down 9500 words and 22 pages worth of story, which ain't that bad for someone who really started cranking this out about 3-4 weeks ago, sandwiching it around work, gaming, and blogging. If I were to simply abandon any sort of editing along the way and just spewed words out, I could really keep this story going for a good long while. 


Anyway, here's a short sample of what falls out of my head like it's part of a fever dream:

I faced the next broken beam, summoned the Arcane, and used the magic like a pry bar. The pieces plopped to the ground.

“Gah.” I shook myself as a tendril of frost curled up my spine.

Jas had an odd look on his face. “Uh, Card?”


“Are you sure you’re not cursed or something? As soon as you cast, your entire complexion changed.”

“Yeah, I’m sure. I was checked out by a couple of Cenarion friends of mine, and even I inspected myself several times. I know what aura a curse leaves on a person, and I just don’t have it.” I called upon the Arcane again, and the replacement beam rose into place. “Everything I’ve seen so far makes me think it’s all in my head.”

Jas hammered away at the nails. “I’m not saying I don’t believe you, but…”

“…you don’t believe me.”

“Oh, I believe you’re telling the truth, but I also think there’s more to this than just something in your head.”

“Jas, I love you to pieces, and I’d like to think you’re right, but that doesn’t change my reality: my time spent in that place damaged me, and I’m not afraid to admit it. I don’t want to end up like Mom and hide it deep down inside, where it’ll explode sometime later.”

With me using the Arcane, we made quick work of the remaining two beams and clucked at our oxen to pull the wagon back. I shivered and rubbed my hands.

“Card, there’s something wrong with you,” Jas said.

“Yeah,” I replied, rolling my eyes. “I noticed.”

“No, I mean really. Your breath is frosty.”

I sighed. Well, if nothing else, both of my old teachers were going to eat with us tonight, so I had two pairs of trained eyes in one place. “Okay, I’ll ask Evelyn and Elsharin to look me over this evening. Happy?”

“It’s a start. What about one of your friends from the Cathedral?”

“I didn’t know that Trevor counted as just ‘one of my friends’,” I teased. Jas was, after all, the last member of the family to figure out that the Knight and I were lovers.

“You know what I mean. One of the priests.”

I took off my work gloves and mopped my brow; despite the chill in my bones, I was perspiring. Maybe later this afternoon a dip in the pond would be a good idea. “I think Lukas and some of the others are over in Outland, but I’ve got enough contacts at the Cathedral that I could probably be seen by someone.” 

“Good. If they need somebody to provide an eyewitness’ account, I’ll be glad to oblige.”

“Not a bad idea, since by the time we get back to the house I’ll be fine,” I replied, amused by my brother’s choice of words. Evelyn made sure that all of us were taught rhetoric when we were growing up, and Jas’ command of language was much greater than the average Elwynn farmer.


  1. Thank you! I love reading about Card. Yes, weirdly she is real to me pretty much like Cat. I don't really know what makes you have a connection with a character. Cat is real to me, some others alts are and some are not. So great to hear about her again. Tome

    1. Thanks, Ancient! I've turned this over in my head a lot this past week, and I still can't understand it. About the only one of her traits that I can trace straight to me is her love of profanity, but is understandable given that she's been a grunt on the front lines.

    2. HAHAHAHAHAHA! That must be it! I too have a love for creative profanity.
