
Monday, November 6, 2023

Meme Monday: NaNoWriMo Memes

Okay, they're not *specifically* for NaNoWriMo, they're writer memes in general, but boy do they hit home.

If you've been writing of any sort --and yes, my fellow bloggers, that includes you-- you probably see yourself in a couple of these memes.

One of the first things I learned when doing
research is to use Incognito Mode at the very
minimum. Not that I end up in any areas that
aren't going to put me on a watch list or something,
but serendipity is a real bitch for a writer.
From Neil A. Hogan.

When I write, this is my demon that
I MUST slay. From Twitt-- aw, screw it.
It's Elon Musk's bitch. Maybe we ought
to just call it that and be done with it.

...And here's my fever dream. I think I ought
to be worried when my fever dreams start talking
back to me, but outside of some cute graphics
I've posted, they haven't done it yet.

I haven't had this specific issue much,
the positive (?) of having a small readership,
but it does hit on that inevitable "Who?"
you might get as a writer. I encountered this
when I mentioned WoW Insider to someone
in raid who used to raid back in original Wrath.
From Bookbird.

And one bonus NaNoWriMo meme....

When I played basketball as a kid in 4th
and 5th Grade, I WAS THAT KID on
the right. The only difference is that I'd
contort my arms and legs because I simply
couldn't sit still. Yay, hyperactivity!
From, whose blog
has included a Meme Monday as well!
Woo for Meme Mondays!!

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