
Sunday, September 29, 2024

Time for a Learner's Permit*

On September 29, 2009, Souldat published the very first post here at Parallel Context. 

Fifteen years ago.

In blog years that's pretty old for a continuously updated blog, but not nearly as old as some other blogs I follow. You probably know one of them --The Ancient Gaming Noob-- and there are others that PC is almost but not quite as old, such as Priest With a Cause, but that's the breaks. We're survivors in a field where participants' timeline is typically measured in months, not years, much less decades.

And for the love of God, don't read my early posts. I still cringe at them when I occasionally wander back that far, hunting for something I might have written back then.

*Well, in six months or so, according to Ohio law. You can get a learner's permit for driving at age 15 years 6 months, but you can't pass a full driver's test until age 16.


  1. Congrats or something on being one of us!

    How to define the mania of keeping a blog going this long is left as an exercise for the reader.

    1. Thanks!

      (I think.)

      The mania is probably different for each of us, but for me it gives me a chance to write and publish something fairly quickly in an environment that forgives faux pas in English grammar and style. I also don't have to overthink anything here given the short style format of blogging, which is something that plagues my attempts at fiction.

  2. Grats! You're a couple of years ahead of me!

    1. Thanks!

      Well.... If you count your 'zine era, you've been doing this gig longer than all of us!

  3. Congrats on 15 years! That's quite the milestone to have reached :D
