
Monday, September 2, 2024

Meme Monday: Miscellaneous Memes... Uh, just how many of these are there now?

I figured that for the US Labor Day holiday, I was going to take a break from Meme Monday and post some miscellaneous memes that I've hung on to but haven't put into another post (yet).

So, here you go...

This one is for the old folks like me.
Us old farts know this is Peter Frampton,
and yeah, he is totally bald today.
From Ridiculous 70s Memes.

This was a riff on those old Jack Chick
Christian comics that warned of the evils of
D&D. Seriously. From Demotivational.

Don't ever change, Dork Tower.
From John Kovalic.

Uh, yeah. Sure. I'll agree with that.
From.... Well, I'm not exactly sure. I didn't
mark it down. Whoops.

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