
Monday, September 9, 2024

Meme Monday: Gatekeeper Memes

You all know about them. 

You've likely seen them in action.


The people who try to make whatever hobby or fandom or whatever an exclusive club, to keep the "riff-raff" out. They're the sort of people that would try to take over a Homeowner's Association just to create rules to turn a local subdivision into their own little fief. 

Video games are definitely not the only fandom or community that has their share of gatekeepers --I have personal experience about that-- so now that I've gone down yet another rabbit hole of a community I'll be posting about sometime in the future, I figured I'll get these memes out there to poke some fun of the "KEEP OUT" crowd.

Yeah, pretty much. The old H.L. Mencken
line about someone somewhere having a good time
springs to mind. From X.

Poor Gandalf. I imagine Gatekeepers imagine
themselves like this. From Twitter and Sales Evangelist.

Like I mentioned, gaming isn't the only
hobby that has its share of gatekeepers.
From Reddit.

Amazing how frequently this pops up
whenever I poke my nose into comics.
From Facebook's Dungeons and Dads group.

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