
Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Sigh. Really? Again?

Sometimes oddball stuff just happens.

Saturday night, I wasn't doing much, just hanging out in Darnassus in between Alterac Valley runs. 

Or a raid. Or a dungeon run. Or...
You get the idea.

Until this happened...

I looked up from my typing and found this:

Yeah, your eyes don't deceive you, she was up close in my grill:

I wasn't planning on moving, but I certainly entertained the thought. Of course, that could be what she wanted, so I flirted back just to call her bluff.

But nothing happened. She didn't respond, and neither did I. Since I knew the Alterac Valley Battleground was going to pop in probably 5 minutes or less, I decided to just stand there and watch a YouTube video with WoW up in the background until that happened.

It was an uncomfortable silence.

But then the BG finally alerted, so I winked and went to the Battleground:

I haven't seen her since.

Good riddance.


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