
Monday, August 5, 2024

Meme Monday: Post Gen Con Memes 2024

Iz ded.

Gen Con has come and gone, and while I only spent a single day up there, I can identify with these aspects of the post con aftermath.

I made sure to get new inserts for
my shoes so I was ready this time.
From TheSixParkers.

This is pre-Doctor Doom Robert
Downey Junior. From WhiteMetalGames.

Squidward or Henry David Thoreau?
Who knows? From Reddit.

I've learned to not discuss my geeky hobbies at work,
even if the post con letdown hits hard.
From TheYearofHalloween.



  1. Half the people I work with are geeks and the other half are nerds so I'm covered!

    1. You have no idea how lucky you are. Throughout most of my career, I've been surrounded by non-geeks/nerds. Even in my current job, people would rather talk about golf than gaming and other geeky pastimes.

  2. I finally work at a place where there are both women and men around me talking about videogames, it's crazey! Half the reason I am still working there to be honest.
    Glad you had a great time! :D Did you get any special goodies for yourself?

    1. It would be nice to get to the point where I have someone at work to talk video games with, let alone boardgames or pencil-and-paper RPGs. Even going "Arr!" on Talk Like a Pirate Day or attending the Ohio Renaissance Festival got me more than a few stares. So, I keep up on my sports and weather and leave it at that.

      As for what happened at Gen Con, the full report is coming out tomorrow! I hope you like photos, because there's a lot of them.
