
Monday, August 26, 2024

Meme Monday: Growing Up in the 70s Memes

Yes, I grew up in the 70s.

While my teenage years were in the early to late 80s, my formative childhood years as a kid born at the end of the 1960s were in the Era of Plaid.

The 1970s were so damn long ago... 

How long, you ask?

In two years it'll be the 50th anniversary of the release of the first Boston album.

My first copy was a cassette from
the mid-80s, long enough for the album
to be classified as Classic Rock by some
stations. From Spotify.

How long?

The US Bicentennial fell in the summer between my First and Second Grade.

(Yeah, I'm old.)

So, in honor of that dubious distinction, here's some 70s memes. And no, none of those "The 70s were better!" memes, either.

I disagree, btw. And to be fair, most of these
all-in-one cabinet systems were purchased in the
60s but we all grew up with them in the 70s.
Except me. My parents didn't have one. We had a
Centrex by Pioneer* that they bought in 1978.
From EdnSarna.

Yes, my parents' house, built in 1976,
still has the paneling in the basement,
despite my arguments with my mom
to finally get something brighter in there.
From Sheila Creamer Bidon.

Remember, these were the people who
looked at the punks and new wave
crowd and said their fashion sense
was terrible. From EdnSarna.

Let's kill three birds with one stone:
Bad clothing, WKRP in Cincinnati, and
the Cincinnati Reds (aka The Big Red Machine).
From Ridiculous 70s Memes.

Oh, and there were blockbuster movies,
movies that people watched all summer and
stayed in theaters for more than three months.
From YouTube.

Again, another item my family never had. I really
need to create a Meme Monday on memes about things
my parents never owned. From The Gamer.

And finally, one more meme:

It might be cheating, combining CB Radio
and Star Wars like this, but if loving this is wrong,
I don't wanna be right... From Imgur.

*For clarity's sake, Centrex was a sub-brand of Pioneer Electronics for their all-in-one stereo systems. If you ask an audiophile, they're not as good as the "Receiver Wars" receivers of the 70s, but if you had a good pair of speakers they punched above their weight class.

This is the model my parents had, the KH-5511.
It had a cassette, not an 8-Track, and they
got it in 1978, so cassettes were hard to come
by for a few years since the 8-Track market 
dominated so thoroughly. From EBay.



  1. Yeah, that paneling. My folks had that, including the family room where the paneling was dark. That was dismal in the evenings. It was like until well after I had left home. My Dad had retired by then and was well into woodworking by then. He'd made some lovely wood panels to replace it all.

    My teenage years were the late '70s, so I can relate to all these memes. I had the CB radio, the Atari (well, the Sears version), the faux wood-panel stereo equipment, and all the rest. Well, not the suit, though my suit for formal occasions was a three piece one. Still ugly, only in a different way. ^_^

    1. I had to remove some of the paneling near the fireplace a couple of years ago, and much to my surprise in the "energy conscious" 70s there was absolutely no insulation between the concrete foundation and the paneling. "Well," I told my mom, "we now know why it was always cold down here..."

      As for the CB and Atari, you lucky bastard. The suit, not so much.
