
Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A Returning of Sorts

Under the header of "Everything is Cyclical", people are returning to WoW Classic Era.

How do I know, you might ask?

Because we actually have Alterac Valley Battlegrounds being played when it isn't even AV Weekend.

What you see here are the number of Alterac Valley Battlegrounds in the mid-afternoon on a Monday. 

For six months or more, the number of AV Battlegrounds you'd see --no matter the time of day-- would be ZERO. Unless, of course, it's AV Weekend, where you get bonus honor for playing Alterac Valley on those days.

This past weekend was most definitely not AV Weekend, yet there were on average three or so AV battlegrounds happening concurrently. Even at 1 AM Server Time. It felt good to see that BG window pop within 15 minutes, whereas it had been simply not popping at all. 

I don't know the reason why people are coming back to play in Era once more (go ahead and post your wild speculations in the comments if you're inclined) but it is good to see them here. 



  1. My wild speculation would be that about now is when people have exhausted the joys of the TWW pre-patch?

    1. I don't think so, because we didn't see an uptick in Era players when people were finishing the Pandaria Remix. My suspicion is that people are leaving SoD and migrating back to Era.

  2. SoD Phase 4 has seen an uptick on Youtube. This is how I returned (but mostly to SoD as for now).

    1. I've heard that SoD has recovered somewhat from plummeting interest in Phase 3, but since I stopped playing SoD I can't confirm it myself.
