
Monday, May 6, 2024

Meme Monday: Edgelord Memes

I've been amusing myself lately by watching D&D oriented videos by Antonio Demico, aka The Pointy Hat. (Here's his Artstation page as well.) His YouTube videos take an aspect of D&D, examine it with a high amount of snarky humor, and make a few tweaks and twists to change the class to make it more interesting to play. Being a long time player, I've been chuckling along with his videos, as he skewers a lot of stereotypes within D&D (and roleplaying in general).

In case he changes it in the future, I wanted to make sure
I saved it. From Pointy Hat Studios.

What caught my eye the most was this one about Rogues:

That Rogues or Thieves (or Shadowblades, for you ESO fans) attract an edgy type of person is an in-joke for RPGs and MMOs since forever (although in AD&D 1e the truly edgy played Assassins), and I'll admit I had my own Batman phase of sorts*. Still, the Edgelord player that plays Rogues is very much a thing, so why not poke some fun at them?

As long as they only simply stay brooding in the corner, mind you...

Yeah, this. Something about Fire Nation
that brings this out in people. 
From Facebook's My DND group.

Wow. That hurts. Also accurate.
From d20dndmemes.

And this is why I don't play Forsaken.
From Reddit and aitipse_Amelie.

Sigh. Yeah, that. I feel ya, Geralt.
From Reddit and The Witcher.

Okay, one more, from one of my more favorite webcomics:

You have to click on it to see the full thing, but
yeah. I've been in campaigns with that one player...
From Jonboy2312 on DeviantArt and
Tales from the Tables.

*Although I suppose you could say I was too nice to be Batman.

EtA: Corrected grammar.

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