
Monday, March 25, 2024

Meme Monday: Tired of Movie Memes

I suppose it comes as no surprise that I'm kind of tired of the steady stream of genre movies. By that, I don't mean Science Fiction or Fantasy or Rom Com in general, but rather Marvel movies. Star Wars movies. DC movies. A steady stream of sequels upon sequels.

It has nothing to do with quality, per se, but everything to do with quantity. As I remarked to one of my kids a couple of months ago, I jumped off the Star Wars bandwagon a while ago because there was simply too much stuff being pumped out for me to really care all that much about it. 

Remember this joke from Airplane 2?
If they changed it from Rocky to a Marvel movie, it
might actually be accurate.

I've not been one of those toxic haters out there for all these movies and streaming series, because obviously people are watching and enjoying them, but given that I've not really had an enjoyable time watching movies in the theater at all for a couple of decades now* I guess it comes as no surprise that I'm just not that into sequels upon sequels.

Definitely Empire Strikes Back.

Still, there's no shortage of memes for those who are tired of Star Wars or superhero movies. (Or if you remember Disney and their direct-to-video avalanche back in the 90s and 00s, all the Princess stuff they were pumping out.) Alas that I don't agree with a lot of those memes very much, but if life gives you lemons you have to cherry pick the best ones to make some lemonade.

Need I point out that the first two
Christopher Reeve Superman movies were
in 1978 and 1980, and the Keaton Batman movie
was 1989? Or the first Tobey Maguire Spider-man
movie was in 2002? Three decades indeed.
From Imgflip.

Sheesh. Missing the point, Mr. Redditor
who created this on Imgflip. You don't have to
be a film connoisseur to be tired of superhero films.

Die Hard wasn't available?

Yeah, it's not an empty declaration to me
either. And I'm not being contrarian about it,
because I saw the big Marvel schedule back
in the late 2000s and thought "that's way too much".
From Max Weiss on Elon Musk's plaything.

*Mainly due to the other people in the audience being assholes. Kind of hard to enjoy a movie when the person next to you is on their phone, having a loud conversation with the person next to them, or letting their kids run amok in the theater. I kind of miss the days when the worst thing you had to deal with in a theater is the people near you making out or otherwise fooling around.

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