
Monday, November 13, 2023

Meme Monday: Miscellaneous Memes Once More

Sorry, I was listening to The Carpenters, and Yesterday Once More popped on. Hence the "Once More" part of the title.

Anyhoo, here's some memes that have been in my pile for months and needed a post...

Sorry, I couldn't resist. I believe
this was done in the middle of Shadowlands.
From Reddit.

I honestly don't know where I got
this one from. Still, highly appropriate.

The real reason why I don't like
flying in MMOs.
Again, I've no idea where I got this one from.

Uh.... maybe Demotivational sites?


  1. The wording on the third one actually kind of confuses me. How can you fall to your death if you're on your flying mount? Or if the joke is meant to be about accidentally dismounting, how far can you fall if you only just got on?

    1. Oh, it's practically a meme that my questing buddy trolls me where she'll jump off a high point on her druid and shapeshift to flight form, leaving me to fall to my death because I wasn't paying attention to what she was up to.

      But still, that isn't the same scenario as what I frequently find myself in. There's a ton of places in Northrend and Outland where you'd do something, hop on a flying mount, and take off from a high point/cliff face/giant mushroom/etc. and find yourself far above the ground. Hell, just taking off from the Scryer's Tier or Aldor Rise in Shattrath and accidentally dismounting while flying over the main part of Shattrath is a quick way to die.

    2. I don't remember ever dying that way. Now, accidentally getting on a ground mount before jumping off a cliff is something else... but clearly not what's being referenced in that meme.

    3. On more than one occasion I've died in Storm Peaks when I took off from one of the various high points and hit the wrong button, which automatically dismounts me. And if my bubble (Pally) was on cooldown.... Uh...

