
Sunday, August 13, 2023

To Boldly Fumble Along...

Some days you just want to fly around in your starship.

There she is, the USS Bohr.
And yes, I named her after Neils Bohr.
I am such a Physics geek.

Uh... I've been just goofing around Spacedock when I login to Star Trek Online for so long that I forgot how to get to my starship.

I mean, shuttles do make sense, right?

Oh wait. I can beam aboard...


And away we go...

Why yes, I do like my atoms scattered
across the universe.

Now, where to go? Oh, I don't know. First star to the right and straight on 'till morning, I suppose...

Spacedock is busier than I thought.

Once I figure out how to exit the system, that is...

Anyway, I'm going on an adventure!!!



  1. I haven’t tried Star Trek Online since the beta. I’m looking forward to your adventures. Atheren

    1. It's been quite a while since I played beyond just the occasional cruise or hanging around Spacedock, so I have no idea what the hell I'm going to find.

  2. Oh wow, I will be interested to see what you think of it. Tome

    1. It's been so long that I'm having a hard time remembering all the details.IIRC, starship combat felt kind of wonky, especially since I chose a Science Vessel, which tends to be the healer type of ship. So.... oops.
