
Tuesday, August 1, 2023

The Blogging Version of Sitting on the Fence Returns

Apparently there's some blogging thing that's starting today in our little corner of the internet. 

Given that blogging is now so passé that it's due to come around and be ironically trendy again*, that some of us old farts have kept up with blogging all these years means we're either persistent, delusional, stubborn, or a combination of all three. 

Either way, giving a bunch of MMO players --who are used to min-maxing the hell out of everything**-- the opportunity to post for a "celebration" of blogging and potentially win prizes in the form of badges as proof of, oh, I don't know.... "winning at blogging", that's certainly going to bring out some people to post a lot.

Or, if you're like me, refuse to formally participate yet go ahead and post a bunch anyway.***


Am I going to post a lot? Mmmmmaybe?

It's still too early to say, because 31 days is a long time, but we'll see. 


*In the same manner as cassette tapes have been. Sure, there were good cassette tapes made, but from a record manufacturer? Oh hell no; you had to make copies off of records yourself onto quality tapes, such as Maxell or TDK, if you wanted a quality cassette made. Ironically enough, the best tapes were made from CDs in that period when CD players were a rarity in cars and you wanted your collection of CDs copied onto tape.

**Or know that everybody else is min-maxing the hell out of everything.

***If you want to call me hipsterish for behaving like that, go for it. I've been like that since before the current hipsters were even born. For example, the summer after my Freshman year of college I spent working at my Dad's office for one of his friends. When the time came for me to leave and go back to university, my Dad's friend wanted to take me out to lunch. I passed, because I didn't really feel like I earned anything special. He tried to convince me otherwise, but I held firm.


  1. I really hope cassettes don't stage a comeback like vinyl did.

    1. Yeah, that was me. Bloody Firefox playing up again...

    2. Yeah, Firefox does that from time to time.

      I suspect cassettes will make a bit of a comeback, however. Not for any technical reason, but based on pure nostalgia. I've seen a few "cassettes weren't as bad as you remember" videos recently, and I thought "Oh yes, yes they were."

  2. Your kind-of-but-also-not participation in Blaugust has actually become my favourite part of the event. I remember really enjoying your frequent posts last August.

    For myself, I decided not to take part after last year's disappointment (which was no fault of the event itself but the unhappy association has stuck). Plus I feel I have more than enough going on without worrying about my posting schedule and keeping up with others' event posts.

    1. I can appreciate that, Shintar. Here's hoping that the lack of pressure to perform means you'll enjoy your August more.

  3. I know, I hate that blogging is not the done thing anymore I really loved reading everyone although just like in real life I'm pretty quiet so commenting was hard for me.
    I have my fingers crossed that it will make a big comeback like vinyl one day soon, ha! Tome
