
Sunday, August 6, 2023

On The Road Again...

I'm setting this up ahead of time because I'll likely be too exhausted to remember to post it later in the day.

Gen Con Indy started on August 3rd*, but we usually make a point of driving up to Indianapolis to visit on Sunday, which is "Family Fun Day". Back when the mini-Reds were a lot younger, it was a very cheap way of paying to see the con: one price for a family of four. Even paying for the extra mini-Red, it was far cheaper than individual tickets on a Saturday. Today, with the mini-Reds anything but mini, it's still cheaper for an individual Sunday ticket than any of the other days.

So my son, his SO, and I are presently en route up to Gen Con as this is posted. 

Hey look, a Redbeard!
No, it's not me, but it is
'a redbeard'. It's @diceandautism
from TikTok.

I shall report back afterwards. Probably Tuesday.


*Okay, the party really started on the 2nd, but the con officially opens on the 3rd.


  1. I was hoping you were going again this year and would be writing it up. Can’t wait for your write up. Atheren

    1. I'm back, and I'm ded. Not really, but definitely am beat.

      /keels over

    2. And yeah, Tuesday sounds good. Or maybe Wednesday.
