
Monday, August 21, 2023

Meme Monday: Stress Memes

I'll be honest: work is stressful right now.

I'm taking over a new position (it's a lateral move, don't worry) and after a month to a month and a half of "not much" going on, suddenly everything is happening at once. And my co-worker has taken a leave of absence for an unknown period of time, so it's all gotten dumped on me.

Oh yay.

Throw in the usual hits and misses as to whether certain parts of the job were missed or not, and.... Yeah.

Or as Nixxiom would put it in his Fun/Not Fun series of YouTube videos: NOT FUN.

Enough of my pity party; here's some memes about stress related to gaming and other stuff...

Yeah, I've been there.
From SammichesPsychMeds.

Such is the nature of addiction.
From OverMemes, a Facebook group.

Or worse, a floppy disk.
I mean, remember when a clueless
computer user would think those were coasters?
From imgflip.

I have actually been in this situation,
but then I die.
From Instagram.


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