
Friday, August 26, 2022

It Happens Every August

Our FF XIV player heads back to college* today.

He brings with him some Warhammer minis to paint and run stuff with --which he discovered was very cheap overseas when he spent six months in England studying abroad**-- some Starfinder splatbooks my sister-in-law's husband gave him to give to a friend of my son's, and a poster book of FF XIV art.

Yes, he's gonna have FF XIV art on his walls, right next to his flag of Bavaria and posters for other things.

Now that I've finished embarrassing him --he does read the blog-- I hope he has a great time his senior year.

And maybe I'll get off my ass and give FF XIV a try. It won't be my main --pretty sure Classic will still be that-- but it's something to look forward to. I actually created a Lancer on a server, courtesy of me having spent time reading Alfred Lord Tennyson's poetry*** recently, now I need to actually follow up with it. 

Catch you on the flip side, bud.


*Literally a college: Allegheny College in Meadville, Pennsylvania.

**He discovered they were so cheap that he bought some minis and shipped them back home here in the States and they were still cheaper than buying them here.

***Why, you may ask? Tsk tsk...


  1. He found Warhammer minis to be cheap in the UK? How much are they in the US then?!

  2. $33 and up for a detailed single, $55 and up for a group of 10. I've heard horror stories of people being sued by Warhammer for reselling in the US without an agreement. The fact that there are two Warhammer exclusive stores, as in not selling other minis, in my state with only 3 million people should tell you something.

    1. Hm, the very cheapest Warhammer figures I can find on the UK site are £11, which is $13. I guess that is cheap in comparison, but I still consider it expensive for what it is.

    2. I visited our local game store yesterday, and can confirm this. To be fair, it's actually more expensive now due to inflation, but yeah, the numbers are correct.

      And no, I don't need anybody buying minis overseas. I'm not into Warhammer, and I'm not interested in being the subject of a lawsuit, as GW is infamous in the gaming community for it's lawsuit happy behavior. After D&D's original publisher, TSR, which people used to quip stood for "They Sue Regularly".

  3. Nothing like sending a kid off to college. Very cool he’s both a video and table top gamer. You have done well preparing him for the world, Obi-Beard!

    1. Oops, Atheren. Google just won’t let me comment with my account.

    2. Oh yeah, he and his gang were already getting together by the time we left.
