
Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Another Thankless Task

I guess it was on the periphery of my vision, but Wilhelm jogged my memory that Blizz is creating a WoW Community Council to try to improve the game.


They're pretty serious putting this out,
but not so serious that they had Thrall or Jaina announce it.


Well, good luck with that. It would be nice to join the council, because I'm definitely not in the raider camp even though I raid, but I seriously don't have the time to do so.

But hey, I see they need transmog enthusiasts, so I would love to nominate Kamalia of Kamalia et Alia for that position!!


  1. Creeps me out. Reminds me of SWG’s Senate.

    1. It wouldn't have been so bad were Ion not in there. He constantly gives off bad vibes.

  2. I thought his efforts at smiling and appearing…perky…were…impressive.

    1. It's like watching Zuckerberg try to appear human.

  3. Aw, you flatter me too much. Also, I have no time or brain for that sort of thing right now. Mind if I punt the nomination for /mog Enthusiast to Matt Rossi over at Blizzard Watch?

    1. I think that I'd take a pass there, not because I don't think he'd do well, but that I think that the WoW Community Council should have people beyond Blizzard Watch. Adding Blizzard Watch people to the Community Council would be akin to the wolf guarding the hen house.
