
Thursday, August 20, 2020

On the Eve of War

Dear Mom and Dad--

By the time you read this, we'll know whether Azeroth has a chance to survive.

I'm writing this on the eve of the banging of the gong, where the combined might of the Alliance and Horde will stand against the armies of Ahn'Qiraq and the dark force that controls them. Backed by the Cenarion Circle and the Bronze Dragonflight, we hope to weather their first attack so we can set up a command post inside their city, and from there strike deeper into their territory.

I saw Linna earlier today, and we talked briefly about how strange fate is. Who knew that when the Defias demanded our iron that Summer day it would have set us on a road to this desolate place? The Marshals have separated us into different units --for support, they said-- but I believe it's so that we have a better shot of having one of us survive the battle.

While I was wandering about, greeting friends I've not seen in some time, I came across one of the Mages from Theramore who was deep in conversation with an Orc and Tauren. He waved me over and introduced me to them as Evelyn Aldcock's last apprentice. We exchanged greetings, and it turns out that all three of them fought with Mistress Evelyn at the Battle of Mount Hyjal. The Tauren Druid was especially pleased to know that Mistress Evelyn was still alive and keeping an eye on her adopted grandchildren, and said that he will try to talk Kit into escorting him for a visit. Please tell her that Drak and Nighthoof wish her well, and will strike the Silithids in her name.

Please don't worry about me or Linna. I feel it in my bones that this is one of the great trials of our time, and everything I've learned throughout my life prepared me for this moment.

Be well and stay safe, and Light willing we will prevail.


P.S. Tell my nieces and nephews I'll be back soon to go fishing again.

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