
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Wordpress Doesn't Seem to Like Me

No, really.

I've commented on several Wordpress blogs lately, including The Last Chapter Gaming Blog, Kamalia et Alia and The Ancient Gaming Noob, but the comments never appeared.

My first thought was that I'd somehow screwed up and pushed a Cancel button or something instead of Post Comment, but I've since discovered that there is no Cancel button.

Okay, I thought. Maybe I ended up on a spam list somewhere.

The only issue with that is that I'd assume that if that were the case I couldn't post on Blogger hosted blogs as well, but I have no issues there.

So go figure.

It's not as if this sort of thing hasn't cropped up before. My wife managed to get our main PC infected several years ago, and even after I removed the infection our PC showed up on some block lists that our ISP subscribed to, so I had to wait until our PC vanished from those lists before we could connect to the internet once more.

I'm kind of hoping that's not the case, because removing infections can be a royal PITA.


  1. I fished your Uldaman comment out of the spam folder this morning. Sometimes it just doesn't like people and sends them there for a while. There is probably some comment spam bot using a name similar to yours or something.

    1. I have to wonder if there have been tweaks made flagging accounts based on activity spikes, in much the same manner that FB began flagging tons of Covid-19 posts as spam.

  2. Wordpress marked your initial comments on my blog as spam, but once I fished you out of the spam section, it's been okay with your comments since! :)
