
Monday, January 6, 2020

Before the Burning Crusade... the only time you would have seen this.

As a Wrath baby, I certainly never have. But the absence of any Horde or Alliance in front of the Dark Portal shocked me more than the presence of all those demons and L60 elites all over the place.

This is yet another reminder that the world of Vanilla/Classic is totally different than what WoW evolved into.


  1. Ha! I obviously haven't gotten that far yet. That's the portal? Very unimpressive. A little creepy to see it like that.

    1. I'd never have gotten that far without Az's stealth ability; I'd be too busy running for my life. The thing is, the entire section is crawling --crawling-- with L60s and L60 Elites. Judging by the derisive laughter I got when someone was asking for an assist on killing a named elite and I said that my lil' ol' L52 self would be just a meat popsicle, yeah, it'd be suicide to be anything less than an L60 if you were to venture into this part of the Blasted Lands.
