
Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Coming Soon to an Overgrown Wild Near You...

In an announcement, Blizz said that Dire Maul would be released on October 15th, ahead of the Phase 2

I don't think we're in the "we're bored" levels of Classic yet, but considering that the player base is wanting PvP in the worst way, this is likely a bone thrown to keep us preoccupied while the rest of Phase 2 is being completed.

While I've done a full Blackrock Depths clear in Wrath, I've never done a full Dire Maul clear at level. That ought to be fun.

My only question now is, how are we going to distinguish Dire Maul from Deadmines in LFG? I guess Dire Maul will have to be "Dire", because otherwise there's going to be a lot of disappointed L60s when they join a "DM" group to discover it's populated with L20 toons....


  1. You can always add the wings, DM-East, DM-North, or DM-West to indicate Dire Maul. I could see someone listing DM-Westfall for Deadmines as a bit of a troll. ^_^

    1. I'm pretty sure that someone will have figured it out by the time I reach L60, so I'm not too worried. But given that I was in a group looking for a tank for RFK and the person who joined thought we were doing Downs....

  2. Has it passed you by that DM vs. VC is apparently a debate that has raged through the ages? PC Gamer wrote a whole article about it last week.

    Personally I've always been a DM girl and like Pallais says above, nobody ever does all 3 wings of Dire Maul in one go, so there's little room for confusion really.

    1. Given that I joined in Wrath only 2-3 months before LFG dropped --and on the Horde side, as well-- the entire DM / VC thing passed me by.

      When I saw VC in Chat in Classic, I thought they meant they were on the last boss and needed an assist.

      You know, like how I thought for the longest time that OMW meant "Oh My Land" instead of "On My Way". The former is a Midwestern exclamation akin to "Holy Cow" or "Holy Shit" that you typically hear only from the elderly nowadays (I heard it a LOT from my Great Aunt who was born in 1902.)

    2. I was on a server that used VC (mostly), but I have no issues with either usage. Though I will, at times, troll someone in General Chat who is being obnoxious over the way they want everyone else to call Deadmines. ;)

    3. Though I will, at times, troll someone in General Chat who is being obnoxious over the way they want everyone else to call Deadmines.

      So that was what that argument in Chat outside Sentinel Hill was about. Not you personally, but I thought people were just being idiots to each other.
